Wednesday 30 December 2015

Constructing my Double Page Spread:

 I created my double page spread using Indesign and started off by following the flatplan of how I initially wanted my dps to look. I added both the photo's I had previously edited and then the title. I used the same font for my title and pull quote as the font on my front cover as this looks professional and shows clearly that the front cover and article on the dps are linked.I then copied the text from my interview on to the first page however, the whole article would not fit so I had to cut it down slightly. I still kept the introduction and conclusion to the interview as they are important parts of the article and the dps. In my introduction and conclusion I put the name of the band, the artist and the bands official website in bold. I also did this when I mentioned the bands album, but I also put this in italics. This is because they are important parts of information and need to be made obvious to the magazines audience. My article took up the whole first page of my dps, so I got rid of the smaller photo I planned on using. I made sure to include folios and that they matched the contents page, as well as adding a credit line. I mainly used a black and white colour scheme but also changed the question and answer colours to make it obvious what the artist said, I used the same red and blue that I used on my front cover as this shows the magazine follows a general house style. 

First finished double page spread:

I thought that my dps looked a bit simple, so to make it more exciting and to follow the theme more, I added bars of black to the edge of each page and added some more explosion graphics behind the text. 

Final finished double page spread: 

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