Wednesday 30 December 2015

Constructing my Front Cover:

This shows my front cover with my edited image, bar code, banners, masthead, and graphics. I edited the image using Photo Shop and also used Photo Shop to create and my masthead and graphics. The lightning bolts on my front cover match the sound wave like lines on my masthead and makes the theme obvious. It also helps to represent my genre through the stereotype that rock music is loud and violent.

I then added the text to my banners.I choose the font on my larger banner as it fits well with explosion styled graphics. I can then continue this font on my double page spread to clearly show they are linked as they will follow the same theme. The font on my smaller banner at the bottom of the front cover follows the front cover theme as it uses the same colours. I also decided to use this font on the contents as this creates an obvious link between the front cover and the contents page of my music magazine. 

Here I have added the date and price to my bar code, I have also added the rest of my cover lines. I decided the price of my music magazine should be £2.10 as my target audience research showed me that this would be a good and affordable price for a fort nightly music magazine. Each cover line  between the lightning bolt graphics relates to an article inside that magazine. They are simple and to the point so that my target audience know what to expect. The cover line above my main headline/banner is a small introduction to what the main article will be about and is a font which links with the 'carton style' graphics.

The final part I added to the front cover was the puff. I hand designed it and then opened it it Photo Shop to edit the colour and size so that it would look good and clearly stand out against the rest of the front cover. The colours don't match the rest of the colour theme on the front cover as I wanted it to really stand out. However, I used red and yellow on my contents page so that the puff doesn't look completely out of place. 

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